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Showing posts from August, 2006

FAQs - F-2 Dependent

Q: What should I do if F-2 dependent needs medical attention? A: Usually F-2 dependents don't have many options. Unless you purchased health insurance, you don't have many options. Local Health Center (at County Office) may be an option. Q: Are F-2 dependent Eligible for Mediciad? What is the process if you want to applying for Medicaid? A: No. F-2 dependents are not eligible for Medicaid. Although you can apply, but it will most probably not approved, even if you have been in US for longer than 5 years. Medicaid is only available for US citizens and Green Card Holders. Green Card holders do have a 5-year wait period. F-2 dependents do qualify for temporary Medicaid which needs to be reapplied (or reverified) every three months. In case of pregnancy, temporary Medicaid will cover for all regular visits to the county health center or basic tests but it does not cover any hospital stays. For any emergency hospital procedure (or delivery), you need to apply for Medicaid at the hos...

Resources for Image Processing, & Computer Vision

Calendars and Deadlines Research Calendar Computer Vision Conference Deadlines Research Links Image Processing Resources Image Database Ohio State Computer Vision Handbook Computer Vision Industry Vision Science VILIST Journals and Conferences IEEE Transactions on Image Processing IEEE Transactions on PAMI International Journal of Computer Vision Computer Vision and Image Understanding International Conference on Computer Vision Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition European Conference on Computer Vision British Machine Vision Conference International Conference on Image Processing Intl Conf on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ASSILOMAR Conference on Signals, Systems Computers SPIE IAPR IEEE EURASIP NIPS IASTED Citations, Acceptance Rates & Impact Factors Cite S...

Islamic Bookmarks

Introduction to Islam What is Islam ( ) Understanding Islam and Muslims ( Link ) Islamic Links Articles, Books and Lectures Lectures by Maulana Taqi Usmani ( ) Audio Lectures ( ) Javed ahmad Ghamidi ( ) Urdu Lectures ( ) Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum ( ) Ramadhan and Fasting ( ) The Prophet's Prayer by Albaani ( ) Top 20 Articles ( ) Sunnah Online ( h...

FAQs about Admissions, US Visa Applications & Visa Renewal

Q: What are alternate Health Insurance options for F-1 International students? A: Graduate students are encouraged to buy student health insurance offered through UCF Student Health Services (Chickering Group). As of Summer 2008, UCF accepts the following alternate insurance plans for F-1 students: (Plans: ISO Med1, ISO Med Prestige and Compass Gold) (Plans: Student Plan II and III) (Plans: Plan A, Plan Vantage) (Plans: Study USA - Plan A and Plan B) Q: What do I need to do when I arrive at UCF? A: First of all you need to get rid of all of your holds (which you can find through One of the holds will be related to your immigration status which can be removed after you report to ISC office (or orientation) and provide them with copies of your i94, visa, passport and i20. Another hold will be related to your health immunizations. If you haven't already provided proof of immunization, you will ha...